Carnets SL27 Chronologie Episodes Secrets Refuge
Troubles mentaux
Titre : Troubles mentaux (Crazy)
Saison : 3
Episode : #1 (1/22) (soit # 45 pour les States où ils aiment compter comme ça - ces fous ! lol - )
Date de 1ère diffusion américaine : 17 octobre 1998 (voui, c tôt, quelle chance ! bah pour les "punir" ils auront les DVD en retard, na ! LOL)
Date de 1ère diffusion en France : 3 mars 1999 sur "Série Club" et autour de ça pour M6 également.
Acteurs :
Michael T. Weiss : Jarod
Andrea Parker : Mlle Parker
Patrick Bauchau : Sydney
Jon Gries : Broots
Jamie Denton : le beau M. Lyle (oops,
pardon !)
Paul Dillon : Angelo
Richard Marcus : M. Raines
Harve Presnell : M. Parker
Dendrie Taylor : Mary Blake
Don McManus : Dr. Blythe
Catherine Bent : Dr. Gatz
Brad Henke : Jimbo
Scénario : Lawrence Meyers (comme par hasard, on a déjà eu des personnages s'appelant Meyers... notamment dans "Le Poids du passé" - "hazards", # 2-08), Steven Long Mitchell et Craig W. Van Sickle (ce qui n'est pas étonnant, car : 1) c'est un premier épisode de saison ; 2) c'est bourré d'allusions... ;o) ). Autant dire que ça ne rigole plus !
Réalisation : Fred K. Keller (là non plus ça ne rigole plus !! LE Keller himself ! waoohhh !)
Production : 20th Century Fox Television et NBC
Musique : John Debney
La narratrice et commentatrice rappelle que comme dans bcp d'endroits de ce site : en blanc le bla bla principal, cad ici la narration, en bleu les dialogues en discours direct, en vert les commentaires et analyses.
L'épisode débute par une vue d'Angelo qui
fait un cauchemar : l'explosion du SL-27. On voit les flammes, on
entend une détonation, des cris. Angelo est très agité dans
son lit.
constate qd même qu'il dort dans un grand lit, donc qu'il a su
se trouver un endroit tranquille, pas une cellule...)
Le Centre, Blue Cove, Delaware
Un couloir inconnu, que le spectateur identifie comme étant le SL-27 à cause des débris qui jonchent le sol. Il y a une équipe de recherche qui essaie d'évoluer dans ce niveau souterrain, cherchant les personnes disparues. On note parmi les débris un tricycle tout d'abord (je n'ai pas besoin de rappeler l'importance de cet élément, si ? bon, vous allez dans la page "Refuge" et c'est bon... Ici, il s'agit particulièrement de Jarod qui s'est échappé, d'où la présence de ce jouet), un papier malheureusement incomplet (je vais essayer de zoomer dessus à l'occasion, mais on ne lit que quelques lettres et des numéros et je n'ai pour l'instant pas trouvé le sens de ce détail *cela dit il y en a forcément un, puisqu'il est lisible...*), et surtout des poupées, plusieurs poupées. La première a le visage en partie calciné, ce qui peut signifier plusieurs choses : déjà ce n'est pas sans nous rappeler les jeux de lumière : un côté clair et un côté sombre (cf page Refuge, article sur Docteur Russell et Mister Jarod). Ensuite, cela peut symboliser les blessures de Jarod et des gens du Centre en général. J'ai lu dans le temps un livre plutôt glauque (de Thierry Qqch...) dans lequel une petit fille brûlait sa poupée à chaque endroit où on lui faisait du mal. Eh bien c'est le principe. La poupée est mutilée car les gens du Centre le sont, a fortiori ici puisque physiquement ils viennent également de subir une épreuve : l'explosion. Les gens du Centre sont blessés physiquement, mais aussi intérieurement, seulement cela ne se voit pas trop, à peine quelques détails, comme une simple brûlure sur une poupée. De plus, c'est l'enfance que l'on brûle avec ces jouets, et comme Jarod est en pleine évolution, en pleine "croissance", si je puis dire... Jarod, en s'enfuyant, laisse derrière lui des poupées en partie brûlées, cad qu'il abandonne un peu de son enfance et qu'à la fois il se débarrasse d'un passé trop lourd, trop dur pour l'enfant qu'il est encore. Les poupées sont néanmoins les yeux en partie ouverts, elles observent en silence tout ce qu'il se passe, comme des petites souris. Cela rappelle le thème du voyeurisme (cf "Jarod Story" in "Refuge"), mais aussi l'anti manichéisme, puisque les poupées sont des symboles liés à l'innocence, à l'enfance, donc créent un paradoxe évident avec leur environnement (le SL-27, lieu de torture par excellence). Vous allez me dire : tout ça pour des poupées qu'on voit trente secondes. Oui, mais nous avons affaire à un scénario des Loustics ET à une réalisation de Fred K. Keller, autant dire que chaque détail a son importance, et en général plus les détails que le reste... LOL
L'équipe de secours a un chien (élément positif aussi en général dans la série, cf épisodes de la saison 1, ou même ceux avec l'Ecossais), flaire quelque chose et mène ses maîtres à une main qui dépasse d'une pile de débris. Nous ne parvenons pas à identifier la main, mais elle appartient à coup sûr à un homme (et ce n'est ni Jarod, ni Lyle, ni Sydney, croyez en ma longue expérience d' "observage" de mains... LOL). La main est un peu bleutée et pleine de poussière, ce qui indique au spectateur comme aux chercheurs qu'ils ne vont pas voir le type debout de sitôt...
Bureau de M. Parker
M. Parker est en train d'essayer d'introduire
un mini-disque dans son lecteur, mais il a des difficultés à exécuter
cette manoeuvre à cause de sa main gauche bandée. Arrive Mlle
Parker qui saisit l'enregistrement et le rentre elle-même (elle ne regarde pas
? si ça tombe c'étaient de grands secrets internationaux, genre
l'assssinat de CP ou l'évasion de Jarod... Ah, elle va le faire
après, voui...). Elle dit à son père : "C'est bon de te voir
hors de l'infirmerie...
- Tu sembles fatiguée, mon Ange.
- J'ai du mal à trouver le sommeil, depuis l'explosion".
Discussion banale, si ce n'est une insistance sur "le mal à trouver le sommeil depuis l'explosion". Car sinon tout baigne dans sa vie ? ;o) Et puis le sommeil agité, parallèle avec Angelo, rapprochement des personnages (pisqu'ils sont tous une grande famille (dé)unie après tout *psssssttt ! C'est une réflexion importante ! Mais j'y reviendrai de temps à autres. (rajout depis... : ) Comment, que j'explique ? Bah comme dirait une amie, faites la liste des personnages principaux, et rayez-les au fur et à mesure que vous parvenez à les faire tenir dans l'arbre généalogique. Etablissez ainsi un constat... Pas copliqué, hein ? Merci à Hahyana pour l'exemple, car c'est vrai que dit comme ça c'est plus clair !*) Le téléphone sonne, M. Parker écoute le message et raccroche rapidement. Il annonce à sa fille (bon, allez, laissons le terme... ;-) ) que l'équipe de secours a trouvé une partie d'un corps au niveau souterrain 27. Mlle Parker, un peu inquiète qd même ;-) , demande si c'est Sydney. M. Parker lui répond qu'il est encore trop tôt pour le dire, ils ont besoin de plus de morceaux... (c glauque, vous ne trouvez pas ? Et pourtant c'est récurrent dans la série, les corps coupés en morceaux, souvenez-vous de "Le Crash" dans la saison 2 - # 2-14 - ou encore dans la saison 4 - les petites asiatiques -. Déjà c'est dur à identifier, qd on doit commencer à jouer au puzzle, et en prime ça symbolise une sorte d'éclatement, physique, mais aussi de la personnalité, divisée, d'où l'opposition au manichéisme, merci à ceux qui auront soufflé LOL *Clooooo ?? LOL* ...) Mlle Parker commence une stratégie de défense (pretend du jour : avocate LOL - rigolez, n'empêche que c'est qd même vrai ! -) à l'égard de qqn qu'elle aime bcp : Sydney. Elle afirme qu'il a posé la bombe, mais qu'il a agit en se laissant emporter par ses sentiments de culpabilité et de compassion (merci, Miss Parker, de nous expliquer comment fonctionne Syd, nouveau pretend : psy !! LOL elle va me piquer mon job, minceuh !). M. Parker a un espèce de rictus crispé (comme d'hab'...) et il répond : "La culpabilité et la compassion ont tué ta mère. Je ne les laisserai pas te tuer aussi". Bon là petit point psycho pisque la Dragon Lady me laisse faire. Façon d'agir de M. Parker : protéger sa fille, qd même. Dans un sens, il n'a pas envie que le Triumvirat fasse à Parker ce qu'ils ont fait à CP (car nul doute est que les ordres venaient de haut à l'époque pour l'assassiner, je parle bien sûr du véritable assassinat, qu'il soit maquillé - hypothèse sydnettienne - ou non). Et dans un sens, ça l'arrange bien car si Parker se met à assumer ses sentiments, le Jarod courra encore longtemps. Or il ne cesse de répéter que le Caméléon est la clé, ce qu'on comprendra dans IOTH : il a besoin de Jarod puisque son héritage consiste à le retrouver...
"Le Trimvirat a changé de stratégie
concernant Jarod.
- Comment ? Ils veulent que je cesse de le poursuivre ?
- Oh non, bien sûr que non, mon ange, bien au contraire. Tu
continues à poursuivre Jarod. Mais ils t'ont associé un nouveau
joueur, qui arrivera demain.
- Est-ce vraiment nécéssaire ? ("Est-ce que vraiment je vais
devoir supporter un pot de colle dont je n'ai pas envie et qui
est capable de m'empêcher de faire semblant de tirer sur
Djjjarod ?" ;o) C'était la traduction... Et qd on sait QUI
est cette personne, on se marre d'avance *non, Hahyana, on ne
crie pas aussi fort... Et range-moi ce couteau. Asiatiques ou
pas, je veux pas le savoir !! Je vais le répéter à ta mère,
hein, attation !!! Dana ???!!)
- A
temps désespérés..."
Il insère un DSA. Sur l'écran est affiché "Centre Records Satellite SB413" Alors, le "SB" je ne sais pas... pê la ville. J'ai eu beau réfléchir... Sydney + Bauchau ? lol Mais le "413", c'est intéressant. Vous savez ce que je vais faire : comme d'hab' additionner les chiffres, et comme d'habitude, pas de surprise : 4+1+3... ça fait 8 oui ! (voir divers articles sur le sujet). On voit Jarod dessus, qui ravage complètement le labo d'enregistrement. M. Parker commente : "Le corps de Jarod a survécu à l'explosion, mais rien n'est moins certain concernant son esprit...".
Institut psychiatrique de Pleasant Wood (Maryland)
Ca me rappelle des choses, un HP... ;o) (ah voui, pisque j'embête les fans de Hannibal Lecter avec tP sur mon site, je vais causer Hannibal ici hein ! ;o) ) Non, mais si je remarque ça, c'est que comme par hasard c'est également dans le Maryland que Jarod se place, et que comme par hasard (bis !) deux épisodes plus loin on a "Les Larmes d'un père" ("Once in a blue Moon", qui comme vous le savez j'espère est une "parodie" de "Dragon Rouge"... Donc je pense que c'est un parallèle sérieux, seulement ils n'ont pas tout fait dans le même. Si mes souvenirs sont bons, cet épisode était prévu pour la saison 1, et le scénario a été abandonné avant d'être retouché et placé en saison 3. Donc c'est une idée ancienne des Loustics (sont fans aussi quoi, c cool !) Jarod est dans une camisole de force, deux (2 oui ;-) ) hommes le trainent tant bien que mal. Il chante, criant plutôt, la fameuse chanson "Un kilomètre à pieds..." qu'il a apprise dans "Le Poids du passé" ("Hazards" - # 2-08), avant d'entonner doucement "Une souris verte..." (dans la VO c'est bien entendu "Cree Craw"). Il distribue quelques coups (thème de la violence qui s'amène) à chaque pas pour empêcher les infirmiers de le remettre dans sa chambre (qui porte le numéro 17). Tout de suite la remarque sur le numéro. 17. 1 et 7... Le un, l'unicité, l'Elu, la divinité... Le 7, chiffre parfait aux multiples sens. Une chose est sûre : 1+7=8, tjrs le fameux 8 ! (le chiffre préféré de Jarod) L'un d'eux interroge l'autre : "Mais qui diable est donc ce type ?" (je ne sais pas si c comme ça que ça a été traduit, mais la VO est complète, et fort intéressante, avec une allusion au Diable, opposée pourtant à ce qu'on sait de Jarod. Anti-manichéisme, suite !). L'autre répond : "Je ne pense pas qu'il le sache...". Ils le mettent sur une chaise, avant de quitter la pièce et de la refermer à clef. Jarod fonce sur la porte et colle son visage sur la fenêtre. Les yeux fous, il hurle : "OÙ SONT MON PÈRE ET MA MÈRE ???". Bon, alors là plusieurs commentaires : déjà la quête se poursuit et on se remet dans le bain. N'oublions pas que nous sommes en début de saison, donc il faut expliquer un minimum pour ceux qui auraient raté les premiers épisodes (les 2 saisons précédentes quoi !). Donc un rappel : Jarod cherche Môman et Pôpa... Puis ça fait partie intégrante de son personnage du jour. Ensuite le regard de Jarod à travers un petit carreau, avec ses yeux si expressifs (on note la performance de Michael T. Weiss, il a beau être un peu énervant parfois, celui-là, il demeure néanmoins un excellent acteur !!) : le voyeurisme et l'enfermement aussi. Ce dernier thème est renforcé du fait de la camisole, de la taille réduite de la pièce, et des lignes tracées sur le minuscule carreau de la pièce.
Le Centre, Blue Cove, Delaware, le hall
Mlle Parker sort tranquillement de
l'ascenceur, quand Broots crie après elle et lui demande si elle
a su pour le corps. Il porte son bras gauche en écharpe. Il est donc blessé.
On montre tous les personnes du Centre blessées, comme une méga-punition
divine ;o) (pkoi je dis ça, moua ? oh, comme ça...). Là en
plus c'est le bras "gauche", et ce côté est connoté
négativement dans l'image populaire. Heureusement, car il peut
qd même travailler. Punition faible pisque "gentil"
dans l'ensemble... ;o) Mlle Parker stoppe un instant et demande :
Sydney ?
- Non, Dieu soit loué. C'est un Nettoyeur, Gar
- Il y a une place vacante en Enfer...".
Rappelons que Gar était le Nettoyeur attitré de M. Raines (le "Diable"
si l'on veut... ;o) ). Et justement ils croisent celui-ci... (trop de la balle,
non ??! lol) Ils le voient de loin. Quelqu'un pousse son
fauteuil roulant (pas de plus grande punition ? Donc c'est
qu'il a un bon côté, chers amis, ou que le Divin ne l'est pas
tant... Hum, j'ai rien dit). Broots commente :
a passé le plus clair de son temps dans la Nouvelle Annexe...
- La Nouvelle Annexe ? Mais c'est pour les fous et les invalides
- (il sourit et cligne des yeux) C'est un peu les deux..."
Lol, il fait de l'humour ! Mlle Parker ne dément pas. Bon, stop it ! deux
secondes. Commentaires. Déjà on apprend l'existence d'une
nouvelle partie du Centre. Pis je dois vous donner la version VO
: "Renewal Wing". En effet, c'est bcp plus intéressant
comme ça, car "renewal" c'est renouvellement, qui a
priori est plutôt connoté positivement (on a donc un paradoxe
ici), mais en plus "wing" c'est l'aile. Alors c'est
important. Oui, on dit la même chose en français, mais là on
rejoint par la même occasion le thème de l'Ange (merchi les
Loustics !). L'informaticien demande : "Je me demande s'il
prépare quelque chose... (on voit une espèce de petit femme, avec
une tresse et la reste rasé - oui, rasé, nous sommes
au Centre, c presque l'Allemagne pdt la guerre ;-) - avec un dossier qui
acquiesce devant Raines et part)
Raines prépare toujours quelque chose. Depuis que Sydney a fait
sauter son ancien terrain de jeu... je vais aller voir s'il en a
trouvé un nouveau...
- Mais c'est de la folie !"
Lol, on
en reste sur le thème de la folie, logique, vu le titre (VO
comme VF - j'aime bien les titres VF aussi, des fois ils sont
mieux tournés et pis ils ne font pas référence à la même
chose forcément - ).
Institut psychiatrique de Pleasant Wood (Maryland)
Jarod a été amené dans le bureau du
psychiatre Carla Goetz pour qu'on évalue la gravité de son cas.
L'un des infirmiers explique que Jarod n'a pas su donner son nom (dans ce cas on
l'appelle "John Doe"), qui a été trouvé. Il a été
ramassé au Dairy Queen, clamant qu'il était un rodéo clown...
Le docteur intervient : "Ce n'était pas une raison pour lui
mettre la camisole...
- Vous savez, il a fallu six hommes pour en venir à bout..." (il a de la force et
résiste à un grand nombre, encore un point commun avec Hannibal
Le docteur Blythe intervient : "Il semble définitivement troublé...
Je veux qu'il ait un examen de compréhension".
Jarod ignore les commentaires du docteur Goetz. Il reste assis,
chantant simplement les premières phrases de "Une souris verte", encore et
encore. Elle s'adresse à lui : "Le docteur Blythe et
moi sommes là pour vous aider".
Jarod cesse de chantonner, les regarde (le regard bizarre, tjrs
un peu perdu) et demande : "Où sont mon père et ma mère ?
- Nous avons d'abord besoin de connaître votre nom.
- Mon nom est Jarod.
- Et votre nom de famille ?
- Je ne sais pas. (regard malin, rusé, qui en dit long, le télespectateur
comprend bien) J'en change chaque semaine".
Et là
elle le croit dingue alors que c'est la stricte vérité, mais
qu'il a toute sa tête. Nous arrivons donc à une constatation :
conduisez-vous bizarrement un temps, et ensuite on vous considérera
comme cinglé toute votre vie... C'est beau, les Etats-Unis...
Le Centre, Blue Cove, Delaware, Nouvelle Annexe
Mlle Parker, portant toujours une valisette
à DSA, s'introduit dans la Nouvelle Annexe. Entendant des voix
approchant, elle se dissimule dans l'une des pièces non éclairée.
Par la petite fenêtre (et bing !! Là mes très chers lecteurs et
lectrices, vous vous dites : "oh mince ! Comme Jarod tout à
l'heure !" Eh voui, le parallélisme entre Jarod et Parker...
Et en plus, on retourne au thème du voyeurisme, et à celui de
l'enfermement car le carreau est pitit énde zat chi iz coinsèd
!! ièèssss ! *de l'anglais de cuisine, où cha ??* Je poursuis
comme ça ?* Jarod énde Parker are rapproched, so oui cane adde
zat it iz for troubler the spectator wou haz djeuste sine zat
Jarod iz note ze brozer ofe Miss Parker), elle aperçoit M.
Raines, tjrs dans son fauteuil roulant, dire à un homme de venir
avec lui et d'aller dans le hall. A ce moment, Mlle Parker entend
une voix (que nous, chers habitués, reconnaissons immédiatement...
Pour nous, francophones, c'est la voix de ce cher Bernard Alane) derrière elle
est là ?". Elle se retourne et est à la fois
choquée et heureuse de constater que c'est Sydney qui est assis
dans le noir (un Sydney barbu, pas très propre et visiblement
exténué par contre). "Je pensais que vous étiez...
- ... mort ? Donnez-leur encore un peu de temps...
- Qu'est-ce qu'ils vous ont fait ?
- Je crois que le terme est "ré-éducation". Je
poserais à nouveau la bombe, pour sauver l'enfant.
- (Mlle
Parker semble un peu ennuyée) Je ne peux pas vous aider.
- Je ne veux pas que vous m'aidiez. Je veux seulement savoir si
Jarod a pu s'en sortir sain et sauf.
- Oh, il a sauvé son "corps", mais..."
Vu l'état
de Sydney, il me paraît assez évident qu'il n'allait pas dire
exactement ce qu'ils (sous la direction de Raines
probablement, mais qui d'autre ? Lyle sans doute !! ça va se
confirmer d'ailleurs. Il fait un regard presque apeuré dans la
suite ou un des épisodes suivants - je ne sais plus - qui en dit
trèèèès long *et pourtant ils ne savent pas encore pour les
asiatiques, donc c'est qu'il s'est passé qqch*) lui avaient fait.
D'un point de vue scénaristique, on dira que ça montre la
finesse de Steven Long Mitchell et Craig W. Van Sickle. De l'art
et la manière de préserver le mystère qui plane autour de
Sydney (on ne sait pas quelles sont ses limites, mais il faut
croire qu'il leur résiste - il a l'expérience de ce genre de
choses... :-( - et surtout autour du Centre. D'un point de vue
psychologique, on constate une fois de plus une certaine pudeur
chez Sydney, un désir de protéger Mlle Parker, un certain
pessimisme ("donnez-leur encore un peu de temps" - ce
qui est du entre autres à ses souvenirs de jeunesse, le poids du
passé...) mais aussi de lucidité grandissante vis à vis du
Centre (même phrase), et également un côté têtu et "je
m'en sortirai seul" (présent énormément chez Parker également)
("je ne veux pas que vous m'aidiez" - ce qui est également
de la protection, soi dit en passant). On note, mais ça on ne
l'ignorait pas, la barbarie du Centre...
Mlle Parker ouvre la valisette sur la petite table devant Sydney
et met en route le DSA que lui a montré son père précédemment.
Sydney, écoutant attentivement : "C'est ce que j'ai
toujours crains... Que Jarod craquerait sous la pression de la
vie dans le monde extérieur et que la vérité à propos de son
passé l'anéantirait... (et là il est sincère, nul doute. C'est à
la fois le conditionnement du Centre qui a encore une petite
influence sur Sydney et en même temps l'inquiétude du "père"
vis à vis de son "fils" qui sait que de deux mots il
faut choisir le moindre... Donc que si c'est mauvais pour Jarod
de rester au Centre, c'est encore pire pour lui de vivre à l'extérieur,
enfin selon ses calculs concernant l'état mental de Jarod. Il se
trompe, bien entendu, mais il ne le sait pas encore)
- Je
dois ramener Jarod ici et j'ai besoin de savoir comment m'y
- L'angoisse dans les pleurs de Jarod vient du plus profond de
Mlle Parker réalise soudain que Sydney regarde dans le vague, il
n'a pas jeté un oeil au DSA. En réalité, il ne regarde rien du
tout, il regarde fixement devant lui, là où il n'y a rien comme
le constate Parker. Elle passe la main devant le visage de Sydney
et constate qu'il n'a aucune réaction.
Sydney ! Vous ne voyez rien !
- Appelez-ça la justice providentielle..."
Je note
que les Loustics ont encore fait très attention aux symboles.
Comme je l'ai expliqué (sans avoir revu l'épisode, je connais
plutôt mal la saison 3 - je rattrape le retard actuellement - )
dans l'article sur la mutilation (être aveugle est
bien le cas), la cécité est un châtiment ou une initiation. Là,
avec cette phrase, les Loustics insistent sur la première
fonction (l'autre viendra plus tard dans l'épisode). A l'instar
d'Oedipe, qui s'est crevé les yeux après avoir tué son père
et sa mère (psychanalyse, mon amour ! ),
il a posé une bombe et a tué qqn. Alors là il y a deux interprétations,
une ésotérique, et une pas. Commençons par l'ésotérique,
comme ça vous serez débarrassés : c'est Dieu qui a constaté
que Sydney agissait mal, pas forcément dans le sens où c'est
mal de poser une bombe mais car là c'était risqué pour Jarod,
pour Mlle Parker, pour lui. Bref, il a mis en danger les Elus, ou
l'Elu et ses potes, vous choisissez ce qui vous chante. Donc pour
le faire réfléchir, toc ! Il lui a envoyé un paquet cadeau :
la cécité. Je ne vous cache pas que je trouve alléchante cette
avec ma manie de tout expliquer avec la
Bible (marrant, y'a qu'avec tP et Hannibal que je fais ça, comme
quoi le couvent c'est pas pour moi *surtout vu la façon dont je
traite les Textes
*). L'autre explication, qui peut
pourquoi pas rejoindre l'autre en partie, est que Sydney
culpabilise et que sa cécité est psycho-somatique (comme
l'aveugle de "Que la lumière soit" -
"The Agent of the Year Zero", # 4-14). Dans les deux
cas, à force de cogiter, il finit par trouver de nouveaux buts
et une autre "voie" et donc il change de tactique, et
retrouve la vue, bien entendu.
Il se lève et fait quelques pas.
tout ce que Jarod a laissé avant de vandaliser la salle des
enregistrements du Centre".
Mettant les bras autour de lui, il ajoute : "Ils n'auraient
jamais du le laisser sortir d'ici... Il y a peu de temps, c'est
peut-être ma dernière chance d'aider Jarod" (donc là il pense
bien faire... Ah la la...)
Institut psychiatrique de Pleasant Wood (Maryland)
Le dcoteur Goetz essaie d'amener Jarod à lui
dire qui il est. Il lui répond : "Si je vous le disais,
vous ne me croiriez pas.
- Dites-le moi quand même".
Jarod lui dit alors toute la vérité, absolument toute la vérité
: il évoque le Centre.
"Le Centre ? Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
- Pensez à l'Enfer... avec de plus beaux meubles...
- Et où est ce "centre" exactement ?
- (hésitation) Il est partout. (regarde un crayon sur
le bureau) Je peux faire un dessin ? (sourire enfantin) J'adore
dessiner !
- Pas cette fois, plus tard peut-être. Mais comment est ce
Centre exactement ?
- Pas de fenêtre, pas de portes, pas de lumière... pas d'espoir...
(évidemment, le lumière et l'espoir sont profondément liés,
les fenêtres et les portes elles à la liberté. Elle va donc
prendre cette métaphore pour de la paranoïa avancée... LOL)
Ces gens décidaient de ce que je mangeais, quand je devais
dormir, et qui je voyais.
- Comment faisaient-il tout cela ?
- Il y avait des yeux dans chaque cellule, sur chaque mur, et
jamais ils ne s'éteignaient (métaphore sublime, mais ça ne va
pas arranger son cas. Le docteur réagit, genre "cas
classique"). Les yeux étaient toujours braqués sur moi,
chaque minute, chaque heure, chaque jour de ma vie.
- Pourquoi le Centre vous a-t-il fait tout cela ?
- Eh bien, pour me contrôler, car je suis un Caméléon (le
docteur lève les yeux). Je peux devenir qui je souhaite. Mais...
(air perdu et abattu) je ne sais pas qui je suis..."
Il regarde vers le docteur, qui est dubitative.
"Vous ne me croyez pas... J'étais leur chose avant...C'est
vraiment épuisant.
- Seul vous connaissez la vérité.
- La vérité, toute la vérité, rien que la vérité... (regarde
vers le docteur) J'ai été avocat aussi...". (exact, dans
"La pendule en carton", "The Paper Clock" - #
Bureau des enregistrements du Centre, York, Pennsylvanie
Mlle Parker
At The Centre Records office in York, Pennsylvania, Miss Parker is interviewing the man who runs the facility. He says that he would never have pegged Jarod as a fake ... he worked as a janitor there. He tells her that none of the physical files are missing. She asks him if any data has compromised, just as Broots calls from another room, telling her that he's "found it." Broots is on his laptop and tells her that Jarod tapped into the "Two Ban Six" file. It relates to both Major Charles and Catherine Parker. Broots tells her that Jarod was looking for a connection between his father and Miss Parker's mother. The manager brings over a box that contains the items from Jarod's locker. As always, there are a lot of books in there. Broots pulls one out ... Inside The Freudian Mind, by J. Williams. Miss Parker picks up another, Shedding Light on the Schizophrenic Mind, and then another, The Dementia Within. Broots asks Miss Parker if she thinks that whatever Jarod found out about his father and her mother caused his outburst. Miss Parker doesn't answer ... she's found a book of Jarod's drawings. They are all in sequence, it's the kind of book that you can flip through to make a pseudo-moving picture. It depicts someone shooting Catherine Parker in the elevator at The Centre.
Jarod is still telling Dr. Goetz about The Centre. He tells her that Miss Parker's mother was killed by The Centre and that her father, "Mr. Duplicity himself," runs the place. Dr. Blythe enters the room just as Jarod begins describing Mr. Raines, who Jarod says is The Centre's version of Dr. Menegle. Jarod calls Mr. Lyle "the thumbless man" who killed his brother. Jarod says that Mr. Lyle killed him once, too. When he gets to Sydney, he describes him as the "Pavlov to my dog." He says Sydney is both is protector and patriarch and that Sydney "created" Jarod. He tells Dr. Goetz that he is extremely valuable to The Centre and while he searches for who he is, The Centre searches for him.
Jarod is put back in his room, number 17. Dr. Blythe tells Dr. Goetz that he wants to keep Jarod in maximum security. Dr. Goetz argues, but De. Blythe prevails. He tells her that between Jarod's paranoid delusions and multiple personalities, he doubts that he'll ever leave Pleasant Wood.
Sydney is telling Broots and Miss Parker that the medications that were found in Jarod's locker are neuro-inhibitors, anti-depressants and anti-psychotics. Sydney is bemoaning the fact that they didn't get to Jarod sooner. Miss Parker says that everything points to the fact that Jarod has gone crazy. Broots pulls out the last book in the box and says, "Not this one." The title of the book is Houdini, The Man And His Escapes.
In his room at Pleasant Wood, Jarod's straight jacket falls onto the floor. Jarod is climbing the walls -- literally ... to reach the ventilation shaft at the top of the room. Jarod uses the ducts to reach the room of another patient. It's a woman and she is sleeping. She is startled when she wakes up to see him standing there, but he tells her that it's okay. He says, "My name is Jarod. And I'm sorry it took me so long to get here."
In her office at The Centre, Miss Parker is thinking about what Jarod told her ... that she has a brother and it's either Angelo or Mr. Lyle. While Miss Parker is with Angelo, Broots comes racing in to tell her that Mr. Lyle has arrived at The Centre. Moments later Lyle appears and tells Miss Parker that he's there to help her catch Jarod. As an astonished Miss Parker looks on, Lyle smiles and says that it's good to be home again.
In Dr. Goetz' office, Jarod is looking out the window, watching the woman whose room he was in the other night sitting on a bench in the sun. Someone hands her some medication and she takes it. Jarod remarks to the orderly that Mary looks sad. The orderly, whose name is Jimbo, says that she should be. She checked in to help get over nervous exhaustion, but she tried to break out, failed, and has gotten steadily worse ever since. The orderly has removed Jarod's straight jacket. He goes on to say that Mary should have listened to her doctors. He pokes Jarod in the shoulder and says that's what he should do, too.
The minute the orderly leaves the room, Jarod starts going through the desk and the file cabinets, looking for a particular file. He finds it and goes through the papers. He sees an article in the Townsend Independent newspaper paper. There's a picture of Mary in there. The headline reads, "Sanitarium Staff Stop Suicide Attempt". Another article says that Erica Michaels is still missing. Quickly, before Dr. Goetz arrives for her appointment with Jarod, he photocopies one of the articles.
When Dr. Goetz arrives, Jarod is sitting quietly in the chair in front of her desk, waiting for her. He thanks her for having him released from his "shackles." She gives him a sketch pad for his drawings and tells him that while he's told her about everyone else at The Centre, he hasn't said a lot about himself. Hugging the sketch pad, Jarod tells her that he doesn't know who he is.
Later, in Mary's room again, he shows her the newspaper article that he photocopied. He asks Mary if she knows who the woman in the picture is. She points at it with a shaky finger and says, "Erica." Mary tells Jarod a disjointed story about the night she and Erica ran away ... running through the woods, Erica being wet and the water being so cold. Mary says she couldn't find Erica. Reduced to sobbing, Jarod holds her. He tells her that he wants her to stop taking her medication, that it's been making her mind sick, when it's not. He tells her that someone is trying to make her forget, when it's very, very important for her to remember.
In Miss Parker's office, she is asking Mr. Lyle just how he got reinstated at The Centre. He tells her that the Triumvirate, as well as her own father, sees him as a man who is willing to sacrifice his own flesh for what he believes. Miss Parker brings up the fact that he's a kidnapping, embezzling, murderer. Lyle says that it's all perspective. He unwraps his hand, exposing the stump where his thumb used to be. He says that some people see a missing thumb. Others see four perfectly good fingers. He asks her what she would be willing to sacrifice. Handing him a picture of her mother, Miss Parker says that her mother sacrificed her life, and she'd be willing to give just as much. The corner of the frame cuts Lyle's thumb and it begins to bleed. Miss Parker hands him a Kleenex, which he uses and then hands back to her. She takes it gingerly, holding it between her thumb and forefinger, with a look of disgust on her face. Lyle smiles, turns and walks out the door. The minute he's gone, Miss Parker puts the Kleenex in a Centre evidence bag and seals it.
At Pleasant Wood, it's night and Jarod is running through the woods, recreating Mary and Erica's escape. He asks himself why Mary would jump in the water. Out loud, he says that Mary didn't jump in the water to try to kill herself. She jumped because Erica was already in the water. Jarod dives in and using a flashlight, starts searching the bottom of the lake. He finds a car with the license plate ZYP 959. Inside the car is a skeleton, and there's a bracelet on the wrist.
In the Renewal Wing, Sydney's dinner tray is sitting in front of him, untouched. Mr. Raines is wheeled in and tells Sydney that if he were him, he'd eat, since he questions how many more opportunities he'll have to do so. Sydney backhands the tray and it flies across the room. Mr. Raines leaves and Sydney takes a bite out of an apple he salvaged from the tray. Someone approaches and Sydney yells, "What more, Raines?" There is no answer. "Who's there?" Sydney asks. "A friend," replies Mr. Lyle. Sydney's eyebrows go up in recognition of the voice, but he continues eating his apple.
Elsewhere, Angelo says "OW!" as Miss Parker takes a sample of his blood. "Truth," says Angelo. Miss Parker tells him, yes, she is searching for the truth. Broots walks in just in time to see Miss Parker drawing blood from her own arm. He flinches away, saying that he's not very good at blood. Miss Parker ignores Broots' squeamishness and asks him what he found out. He tells her that it was her father who brought Lyle back. Mr. Parker pulled strings from Europe to Asia, in order to get Lyle reinstated. Miss Parker gives Broots the two vials, one with her blood and the other with Angelo's. She also gives him the bag with the Kleenex that has Lyle's blood on it. She tells Broots that she wants all of the samples DNA fingerprinted. She says that it's time to shake up the family tree and see who falls out.
When the orderly brings Jarod to Dr. Goetz' office, he tells him to stay put and stay out of trouble. Jarod hugs the orderly and lets him feel him take his keys. The orderly demands them back and Jarod hands them over. After the orderly leaves, Jarod holds up the cell phone that the orderly didn't feel him take from him.
Using the cell phone, Jarod uses Dr. Goetz' laptop computer to connect to the Internet, hack into the Maryland DMV and run the plates that were on the car in the lake. He finds that the vehicle, a Mercedes, belongs to Dr. Randall Blythe who lives at 739 S. Villa Terrace, Towson, MD 21202. His driver's license number is R6551V67. Whatever really happened to Erica, Jarod realizes that it was Dr. Blythe who was behind it. Dr. Goetz enters the room and finds Jarod sitting in the chair in front of her desk, drawing in the sketchbook that she gave him.
Walking through the grounds together, Dr. Goetz tells Jarod that she knows he's hiding something. He's a textbook case ... he did just the right things to get himself admitted. He didn't do too much or too little and he didn't hurt himself or anyone else doing it. The question is, she says, why he wants to be there. He tells her that she's the shrink. She says that it's not uncommon for people out of prison to do things that will get them put back in the same kind of environment and The Centre sounds like an institutionalized environment. Jarod looks at Mary, sitting by herself in the sun, and tells Dr. Goetz that he's there to heal.
At The Centre, Miss Parker receives a phone call from Jarod, asking her if Sydney had gotten his eyes back yet. "How do you know about that?" she hisses. Jarod tells her to calm down ... stress, left unchecked, creates madness. Jarod is calling from the orderly's cell phone. Jarod tells her that he doesn't know who he is, and she has the same reason for sleepless nights, now. He asks her how it feels.
Miss Parker is astounded to find Sydney all cleaned up, wearing dark glasses, and working with Lyle. Mr. Lyle tells her that he report about Sydney planing the bomb had reached the wrong conclusion ... Mr. Lyle's report corrected that by naming Gar as the person who did it. He tells Miss Parker that the only thing that's important is that the powers that be believed Lyle's report. Miss Parker feels as though Sydney sold his soul to the devil for his freedom. He tells her that she doesn't understand, but she's not listening and has already made up her mind regarding Sydney's motives. Lyle asks her if she's a part of this pursuit or not and Miss Parker has no choice but to go along, or get left off the team. She tells Lyle that Jarod contacted her earlier and he sounded, different, disturbed. Sydney says that maybe Jarod is just pretending to have lost his faculties, so as to no stand out from others, who have lost theirs.
At Pleasant Wood, Jarod is in Mary's room again. She spills a handful of capsules onto the table and tells Jarod that she stopped taking them, like he said. Jarod tells Mary that he found the car, in the water. He found Erica. He asks Mary to tell him what really happened on the night they tried to escape.
Mary tells Jarod that she and Erica were friends and that one day Erica told her that she was going to have a baby ... that Dr. Blythe gave her the baby. It happened during her therapy sessions. Dr. Blythe wanted the baby to "go away," but Erica was scared and confused, so Mary decided to help her escape. Erica saw Dr. Blythe pull up beside the road as she was running away through the woods and he called out to her, saying that he wanted to talk about keeping the baby. Mary warned her not to go, but Erica did go to him. As soon as she was at his car, Dr. Blythe hit Erica with his flashlight and knocked her unconscious. He put Erica into his car and then pushed it into the water. Mary waited until Dr. Blythe was walking away and then drove into the water to try to save Erica. But Dr. Blythe wasn't far enough away and he heard the splash when Mary dove in. He would have drowned Mary, too, but the orderly arrived, so Dr. Blythe had no choice but to make it look as though Mary had attempted suicide. After that, Dr. Blythe gave Mary the medication to make her think that she was crazy so that she couldn't tell what happened. But, Jarod tells her, it's time that someone told the truth, for Erica's sake and for her own.
Jarod calls Dr. Blythe in the middle of the night and pretends to be someone from the Maryland police. He tells Dr. Blythe that a couple of fisherman at Wilson lake found it submerged there. Jarod tells Dr. Blythe that it's still too dark to see if there's anything in it, but that the funny thing is that the car looks like it's been down there for a couple of years - but Dr. Blythe never missed a registration payment and never reported it missing.
At The Centre, Broots has checked all the psychiatric facilities for "John Doe" admissions within the last 10 days and located Jarod at Pleasant Wood. Lyle wants to know why Jarod would leave them a trail that leads right to him. Sydney says that it's Jarod's way of telling them that he's still in control. Lyle and Miss Parker head for Pleasant Wood.
At Wilson lake, a tow truck has pulled Dr. Blythe's car out of the lake. Blythe gives a quick look around and doesn't see anyone nearby, so he quickly approaches his car. Looking inside, he doesn't see Erica. Behind him, Jarod tells Dr. Blythe it's because Erica isn't in there. Dr. Blythe asks Jarod what he's doing out of the asylum. Jarod tells him that he's repaying a debt to two women ... one whose life Dr. Blythe stole and the other whose mind he nearly destroyed.
Jarod puts Dr. Blythe into his car and shuts the door. The door will not open from the inside, nor will the windows roll down. Jarod begins to lower the car off of the tow truck and into the water.
At Rupert County Psychiatric Hospital, in Rupert, Virginia, someone is calling Jarod "Dr. Ratchet" and telling Jarod that Dr. Blythe is lucky that he came along when he did, or Dr. Blythe would have drowned himself, sure enough. Blythe is soaking wet, in a straight jacket, in a wheelchair. Jarod tells them that Dr. Blythe is suffering from classic paranoid schizophrenia with delusional behavior and total and self-destructive tendencies. "Dr. Ratchet" recommends that he be kept in restraints and in total isolation. Jarod tells Dr. Blythe that he'll be back to do an evaluation in 72 hours.
Dr. Goetz is taking Miss Parker and Mr. Lyle to Jarod's room. When she opens the door, they find it empty. She tells Jimbo to notify the gate that they have a possible escapee. Miss Parker and Mr. Lyle leave the room. Under Jarod's pillow, Dr. Goetz finds a note with her name on it, attached to the sketch pad she gave Jarod. The pictures on the sketch pad are of The Centre, Miss Parker and Mr. Lyle.
Outside, all dressed to go home, Mary is reading the newspaper. The lead story is about Dr. Blythe being charged with the murder of a patient.
At The Centre, Broots brings Miss Parker the genetic blood test results. He says they are conclusive and tosses the folder down on her desk. A picture of Mr. Lyle slides out. Neither Broots nor Miss Parker know what to say to each other.
Miss Parker takes the folder to her father's office to give him the news. Mr. Parker reads the file, but says nothing. It takes a moment or two, but Miss Parker finally realizes that her father knew about Lyle already and that's why he had him brought back to The Centre. Behind her, Mr. Lyle opens the door to his father's office, then pauses when he sees Miss Parker.
Jarod is walking down a lane, talking to Sydney on a cell phone. He asks Sydney how is his sight. Sydney tells him that his sight is gone, but in some ways, his vision is clearer than ever. Jarod says it's a crazy world. Sydney replies, "But you're not. You're just lost, Jarod." Jarod adds, "For now." Then tells Sydney that somewhere out there he'll find his way and he'll find out who he is. After Jarod hangs up, Sydney says, "Maybe I will, too." Jarod hitches a ride in a light blue truck, as the screen fades to black.
Plot: Jarod, Miss Parker, Sydney, Broots, Mr. Raines,
and Mr. Parker survive the explosion, only Gar was killed. Jarod
seemingly goes crazy following the explosion and is confined to a
mental institution where he helps a former escapee solve the
murder of the woman she attempted to escape with. Subplot: Mr.
Lyle is back and this time helping catch Jarod again, joining
Miss Parker, Broots, and the blinded Sydney; Miss Parker finds
out who her brother really is: Angelo or Mr. Lyle
Jarod's Little Discoveries: None
Jarod's Revenge: Jarod forces the murderer into the same
car he drowned the woman in and threatens to push the car into
the water
Angelo fait des cauchemars à cause de l'explosion. Une équipe avec des chiens finit d'explorer le niveau 27. Il retrouve un corps. Miss Parker (pas blessée du tout mais qui dort mal...) pense que c'est peut-être Sydney et le défend un peu devant son père (légèrement blessé à la main) en expliquant qu'il a agi par compassion et culpabilité. Ce dernier s'emporte en disant que ce sont "ces sentiments qui ont tué sa mère" (sic) puis explique que le triumvirat est mécontent et rajoute un autre pisteur pour trouver Jarod.
M. Raines "vit" dans une unité réservée aux invalides et aux fous. Intriguée, Miss Parker va fureter et découvre Sydney, emprisonné, aveugle (le corps était celui de Garr, le décoloré de Raines). Une caméra de surveillance d'un service d'archives a filmé Jarod dans une crise de démence. Tout le monde au centre pense qu'il est devenu fou. Sydney pense que c'est la pression du monde extérieur et la vérité sur son passé qui l'a fait disjoncter.
Broots et Miss Parker découvrent que Jarod a consulté deux dossiers : Celui de Catherine Parker et du Major Thomas pour "trouver un lien entre son père et la mère de Miss Parker" (sic). Ils trouvent des neurotropes, des livres sur la psychiatrie, la schizophrénie et .... un livre de Houdini.
Miss Parker pense à son frère, passe du temps avec Angelo quand survient M. Lyle. M. Parker a tout fait pour le retrouver et le ramener.
Miss Parker arrive à avoir un échantillon du sang de M. Lyle sur un mouchoir puis fait des prélèvements sur Angelo et elle-même. Jarod téléphone à Miss Parker. Il sait que Sydney est aveugle, qu'elle fait des insomnies, il refuse de dire comment il a survécu.
M. Lyle s'adjoint Sydney en "démontrant" qu'il est innocent et que c'est Garr qui a posé la Bombe. Les trois plus Broots pensant que Jarod simule la folie pour ne pas se démarquer des autres fous en déduisent qu'il est dans un asile. Et ils trouvent lequel.
Jarod :
Pendant ce temps, Jarod est emmené dans un hôpital psychiatrique en camisole de force. Il est confié à une psychiatre à qui il raconte toute son histoire, le centre, Sydney, Raines, son enlèvement. La psychiatre le croit fou à lier. Jarod arrive à se débarrasser de sa camisole et par les conduits d'aération va voir une autre internée, Mary qu'il est venu aider. Internée pour une dépression, elle s'était évadée avec une autre détenue, Erica. Cette dernière n'est jamais réapparue, Mary après une tentative de suicide par noyade est dans un état second.
Jarod arrive à persuader Mary de ne plus prendre ses médicaments. Elle se souvient alors qu'Erica et elle se sont enfuies parce qu'un des psychiatres avait abusé d'Erica qui se retrouvait enceinte. Pendant leur fuite, le psychiatre rattrapa Erica, l'assomma puis la mit dans sa voiture qu'il envoya dans un lac. Ensuite il essaya de noyer Mary et la fit passer pour folle grâce à la médication.
Jarod découvre le corps, sort la voiture du lac, attire le psychiatre, l'enferme dans la voiture, pousse la voiture dans le lac. Puis il le fait interner dans un autre hôpital pour tentative de suicide en se faisant passer pour un psychiatre. Le psychiatre est arrêté, Mary libérée.
La psychiatre du centre découvre que Jarod simulait. Elle commence à croire au centre et quand la bande des quatre débarquent (Jarod est bien entendu plus là) elle découvre un carnet de croquis laissé par Jarod avec les portraits de Miss Parker et M. Lyle......
Broots apporte les résultats de l'analyse d'ADN : c'est M. Lyle Le frère de Miss Parker. Elle donne le dossier à son père qui semble bien gêné.
M. Lyle arrive sans rien dire. Longs regards silencieux et profonds entre ce petit monde. ( et M. Lyle semble bien ému en regardant sa sur).
Jarod téléphone à Sydney qui est en train d'apprendre le Braille.
Nous voilà donc avec 6 caméléons identifiés : deux fratries (Jarod/Kyle et Miss Parker/Lyle), Angelo et Dannie. On peut alors se demander si Angelo et Dannie ne sont pas frères. Quant aux deux restants ( huit sont présents dans les dossiers trouvés par Jarod), on peut penser à Emily, la soeur de Jarod (ce qui expliquerait pourquoi elle se cache), Brigitte ou même Broots.
Nouvelle découverte : le père de Jarod, Major Charles et il a un lien avec Catherine Parker.
Nouveauté : Jarod révèle à un tiers l'existence du Centre, de Sydney et de ce qu'on lui a fait.
Evolution : Le trio Miss Parker/Broots/Sydney se lie de plus en plus intimement.
The episode opens with images of Angelo suffering from nightmares about the explosion in SL-27. He awakens with a start, and looks around him.
In SL-27search and rescue personnel, with corpse-sniffing dogs, search through the burned-out rubble of what remains in the sublevel. One remarks that it was a good thing that the "tortion barriers took the brunt" of the explosion; another remarks that it's a miracle that anyone survived the blast. They come across a body... or pieces of one anyway.
In Mr. Parker's office at The Centre, Mr. Parker is attempting to put a minicassette into an audio tape recorder, but his hands are bandaged, so he asks Miss Parker for assistance. She takes the recorder fromhim, and inserts the cassette. The telephone rings: it's the search crews telling Mr. Parker that they've found a body. Miss Parker asks if the remains are Sydney's, but Mr. Parker says they'll need to find more pieces before they can verify who the victim is.Mr. Parker also tells Miss Parker that the Triumvirate is applying pressure on him to initiate some changes in strategdy as regards the pursuit of Jarod. The Triumvirate will be, he says, installing another agent in his office to assist in the pursuit.
Mr. Parker then starts up a portable DSA player and lets Miss Parker watch it while he tells her that Jarod was recently spotted in a Centre satellite. "His body survived the blast. I'm not so sure about his mind." The DSA shows a black-and-white surveillance video of Jarod entering the Centre satellite office #3B413, and tearing the place to pieces. When Jarod sees the video camera taping him, he attacks it and dismantles it.
At the Pleasant Wood Psychiatric Hospital, we see Jarod -- bound in a straight jacket -- being dragged down a corridor by two orderlies. Jarod is saying the words to a children's song, but not actually singing it. When the orderlies get him into a holding cell, and lock him inside, Jarod throws himself, bodily, at the door of the cell, and shouts, "Where are my mom and dad? WHERE ARE MY MOM AND DAD?!"
At The Centre, Miss Parker is met in the hallway by Broots, whose head is still bruised from the explosion in SL-27, and whose arm is in a sling. He tells her that the body found in SL-27 was that of Gar the Cleaner. As they're talking, Mr. Raines appears in the hallway while a pair of Sweepers. Raines is confined to a wheelchair, but otherwise looks unscatched. Broots tells Miss Parker that Mr. Raines had been spending a lot of time in the Renewal Wing of The Centre during his recovery.
At Pleasant Wood, Jarod, calmer now but still in the straight jacket, is taken to the office of a female psychiatrist, Dr. Goetz, by a pair of orderlies. (One of the orderlies, he learns, is named Jimbo.) Jimbo tells Dr. Geotz that Jarod was brought in as a "John Doe" by State Troopers who found him trying to lasoo Harley motorcycles at a Dairy Queen. When the troopers moved in to capture Jarod, it took six of them to take him down and restrain him. Jarod was, presumably, suffering from schizophrenia -- and the belief, at the Dairy Queen, that he was a rodeo clown. Dr. Geotz is accompanied, in her observations of Jarod, by another psychiatrist, Dr. Randall Blythe. Jarod looks at the doctors and asks them, "Where are my mom and dad?"
Dr. Blythe asks him what his name, and Jarod responds sullenly, "Jarod." Dr. Goetz asks what he last name is and, looking very sad, Jarod says he doesn't know what his last name is. Then his expression changes drastically, takes on a michevious, almost malevolent cast, and he says, "It changes every week."
In the Renewal Wing, Miss Parker goes in search of what Raines might have been doing in there during his recuperation. She finds instead, a corridor lined with silver-blue doors. The doors open onto small cells. In one cell, Miss Parker can see a bald person trying to drink jello through a straw. When she hears someone approaching, Miss Parker ducks into a cell with an unlocked door, and hides inside of it. Through the circular porthole in the door, she can see Mr. Raines be wheelchaired around by some Sweepers. When they leave the corridor, Miss Parker looks around the cell and discovers that it's occupied -- by Sydney.
Sydney looks drawn, but seems otherwise intact. She asks what he's doing there, and he tells her that he's being put through "re-education" procedures by The Centre. He believes they'll never let him out of there. Miss Parker tells him she's glad he survived the blast, but doesn't believe Jarod was so lucky. She retrieves Sydney's laptop computer from the floor, and activates the DSA player on it. Then she pops in the DSA of Jarod trashing the Centre's satellite office. Although Sydney can hear the aggitation in Jarod's cry on the DSA, he cannot see the images. He is blind.
At Pleasant Wood, Jarod is seated in Dr. Goetz office, still confined to the straight jacket, and talks to her about being abducted as a child by a place called The Centre. He spots an art pad on the doctor's desk, and his attitude changes. Smiling, he asks if he can draw something. "I like to draw," he says. The doctor tells him he might be able to do that later, but she wants to hear more about this place called The Centre. Jarod tells Dr. Goetz that he was held there against his will while other people dictated everything he did, every day of his life. They watched him through "eyes" in the walls and ceilings "that never blinked". He tells her that they kept him there so they could control him. Then he announces to her, "I'm a Pretender. I can become anyone I want to be." Then, very sadly, he says, "Except I don't know who I am." Jarod looks up at Dr. Goetz and gives her a sly, dismissive smile. "I've been a shrink before. It's really very over-rated... I've been a lawyer, too."
At The Centre Satellite #3B413 (a Centre Records Office in York, Pennsylvania) a supervisor tells Miss Parker that Jarod was employed there for a short while as a janitor. As it was just a small records office, no one there knew who Jarod really was or how valuable he was to The Centre. Using the office's computers, Broots discovers that Jarod had hacked into The Centre's "2 BAN 6" files, and was seemingly trying to discover a connection between Catherine Parker (Miss Parker's mother) and Major Charles (Jarod's--perhaps adoptive-- father). No archives were missing, however, and whatever information Jarod may have gleaned from his search was unknown.
The supervisor brings Miss Parker a box of the belongings that were left in Jarod's locker at the facility. There is a bag of psychotropic medications; books on schizphrenia, dementia, and psychiatric disorders, and a small flip-book filled with sequential pencil drawings dones by Jarod. When Miss Parker flips the pages of the small book, she "animates" the drawings, and sees that they depict the murder of her mother, Catherine, at The Centre by a man in a dark suit who has no face.
At Pleasant Wood, Jarod tells Dr. Goetz that Miss Parker's mother was murdered by The Centre... That Mr. Parker runs the place... That Mr. Raines lives there: "An emphazema-ridden corpse who drags around his breath of life in a tank." He says the place is also inhabited by "the thumbless man, Mr. Lyle... He killed my brother... He killed me once, too..." And that a man named Sydney also lives there. Of Sydney Jarod remarks, "He created me."
Orderlies take Jarod away to a padded cell, while Dr. Goetz and Dr. Blythe talk about his case. Dr. Blythe says he worries that Jarod seems to believe all the fantastic stories he's telling, and Dr. Goetz says she anxious to work with Jarod.
In the Renewal Wing: Miss Parker and Broots bring Sydney the items they'd gotten from Jarod's locker at the records office in York. Syndey tells them what all the medications are, and admits that he'd often worried that the pressure of living in the outside world and of not knowing who he was would some day send Jarod over the edge. Broots tells Sydney the titles of the books in the box of Jarod's belongings, and says that the only thing that doesn't seem to match is a book on the magician/ escape artist Harry Houdini.
At Pleasant Wood: Jarod has gotten himself free of the straight jacket, and is literally climbing the walls of his padded cell like a spider. He pulls his body up the wall to the ceiling, using the small spaces between the pads for hand- and toe-holds, until he can reach the air condition vent. Jarod enters the vent and follows it to another part of the hospital, where he finds the room of a patient named Mary. He drops quietly down into her room as she sleeps, and awakens her. She is startled by his appearance, but he reassures her that he isn't a threat. "My name is Jarod. I'm sorry it took so long for me to get here."
At The Centre, Miss Parker leaves her office in search of Angelo, but is intercepted by Broots who tells her that he's discovered that Mr. Lyle has returned to The Centre. Before Broots can get the words out, however, Mr. Lyle himself appears: nattily dressed, spick-and-span, with a thin clean bandage on one hand. Lyle grins at Miss Parker and tells her that he's been reinstated a The Centre -- as her partner in the pursuit of Jarod.
At Pleasant Wood: The next day, Jimbo takes Jarod to Dr. Goetz's office and is removing Jarod's straight jacket as Jarod gazes out the window at Mary. Mary is sitting in a drugged state in a wheelchair, outside to get some sun. Jimbo tells Jarod that Mary has been deteriorating ever since she tried to kill herself about two years ago. Jimbo then leaves, locking Jarod in the office to wait for Dr. Goetz.
As soon as Jimbo is gone, Jarod starts rifling through Dr. Goetz's desk, credenza and file cabinets. He finds a file on Mary, and reads through it quickly. He discovers some newspaper clippings inside of it, which tell about Mary's supposed suicide attempt... which took place on the same night another patient, Erica Michaels, disappeared. Dr. Blythe, the clippings say, found Mary and saved her life. But Erica was still missing. Jarod makes a photocopy of the article that has a picture of Erica in it, and returns the office to its normal state only seconds before Dr. Goetz unlocks the door and enters.
Dr. Goetz hands Jarod an art pad, and tells him he can use it to do some drawing if he likes. Then she says that he's told her a lot about The Centre and the people in it, but he hasn't told her anything about "Jarod" yet. Jarod tells her sadly that he doesn't know who "Jarod" is.
Later that evening, Jarod makes his way back to Mary's room, and shows her the newspaper picture of Erica. He asks her if she remembers what happened the night Erica disappeared. Mary's memory is fogged by medications, and she can only remember disconnected fragments of what happened. She and Erica were friends... Erica had a "pretty bracelet" that she always wore... One night Erica and Mary were running through the woods... Then Erica was gone... And the water was so cold... And she couldn't find Erica... Mary starts sobbing, and Jarod comforts her. He tells her she has to stop taking the medicines the doctors are giving her because they're making her feel crazy when really she isn't. Mary promises to stop taking the pills, but is still distraught, so Jarod hugs her and rocks her until she's calm again.
At The Centre, Miss Parker asks Mr. Lyle how he managed to get back into The Centre after everything that's happened. He gives her some evasive answer, suggesting that he so valuable, and so willing to whatever the Triumvirate tells him to do that he's an unequalled asset to them. He unwraps his bandaged hand, to show her how well his thumb has healed, and brags about how much he's sacrificed in the service of The Centre. Miss Parker informs him that she's willing to sacrifice every bit as much as her mother, Catherine, had to get to the truth about what was going on.
As she talks about her mother, she hands Lyle a photograph of Catherine in a metal frame. The frame cuts his (remaining) thumb, causing it to bleed. Miss Parker had Lyle a tissue to blot up the blood. When he's done with it, he hands it back to her. Rather than disposing of it, Miss Parker keeps it... She takes the sample of Lyle's blood, draws a sample of her own with a syringe, and draws a sample of Angelo's blood, then turns them all over to Broots, telling him to run a DNA analysis of all of them. She wants to find out if Angelo or Mr. Lyle is her brother.
At Pleasant Wood: That evening, Jarod escapes from the hospital and runs through the nearby woods with a flashlight, looking for the body of water Mary had told him about. He come across a small lake --Wilson Lake-- wraps the flashlight in a plastic bag, and then dives into the lake to see what he can find. At the bottom of the lake is a rusting Mercedes Benz automobile with a Maryland licence plate: ZYP 959. Jarod swims up to the car, and wipes a layer of grime off of one of the windows. He is startled to find a skeleton in the front seat of the car... wearing a "pretty bracelet."
In the Renewal Wing, Sydney is being antagonized by Mr. Raines, who suggests that Sydney had better eat the meal he's been given because me might not have many more chances to do so. In retaliation, Sydney hurls the food tray across the room. Raines exits... and Mr. Lyle enters the room.
Elsewhere in The Centre, Broots finds Miss Parker and tells her that the reason why Mr. Lyle was reinstated at The Centre was because her father had pulled strings "from Europe to Asia" to get him back there.
At Pleasant Wood: The next day, Jimbo puts Jarod into Dr. Goetz's office again, and Jarod suddenly turns to him and gives him a big hug. "Thank you for caring," Jarod says, then he steps away from Jimbo. Jimbo says sternly, "Give it," and snaps his fingers at Jarod. Jarod hands Jimbo his set of keys, and says, "Kleptomania is a hard habit to break." Jimbo responds with a stern, "Fingers aren't," and locks Jarod in the room. Once Jimbo is gone, Jarod smiles to himself, and pulls out of his clothes the small cellphone he also pilfered from Jimbo's uniform.
Before Dr. Goetz comes to the office, Jarod accesses the laptop computer on her desk, and hacks into the Maryland DMV records so he can find out to whom the Mercedes Benz was registered. He's not surprised when he discovers that the car belongs to Dr. Randall Blythe. When Dr. Goetz arrives, she finds Jarod sitting quietly in a chair drawing a picture of the candle holder on her desk.
Later that same day, Dr. Goetz is walking the grounds outside with Jarod. She tells him he's hiding something from her, and she'd like to know what it is. She says he knew exactly how to get himself committed, not doing too much, not doing too little, and making sure that no one else got hurt during his "rampages". Why did he want to be in the hospital, she asks him. He tells her he's there, "to heal".
At The Centre: Miss Parker is walking through the hallways when she gets a call on her cell phone from Jarod. He wants to know if Sydney has regained his sight yet. She demands to know how he knew about Sydney blindness, and Jarod refuses to tell her. She then asks him how he escaped the blast in SL-27, and he answers that if he told her that it wouldn't be any fun. Jarod then wonders how she feels, now that her family tree has been so shaken... "The Parker family picnic will never be the same, " he quips, just before hanging up on her.
Miss Parker goes to Sydney's workplace, intending to locate Jarod's psychological profile among Sydney's papers. She's stunned to see Sydney... and Mr. Lyle working there, together. Mr. Lyle had gotten Sydney out of the Renewal Wing by somehow convincing the Triumvirate that it was Gar, not Sydney, who was responsible for the bombing of SL-27. Furious with Sydney for working with Lyle and lying about Gar, Miss Parker rebukes him with: "You sold your soul to save your ass."
At Pleasant Wood: Jarod again finds his way to Mary's room, and she shows him all the pills she's managed to avoid taking. Now that she's not so drugged up anymore, she can remember more about what happened the night Erica "vanished". Jarod tells her that he found the car at the bottom of the lake, with Erica's corpse in it. He asks Mary to tell him how Erica got there.
Mary says that Erica was distraught because she was going to have a baby... Dr. Blythe's baby. Dr. Blythe had been raping Erica during her therapy sessions, and when he found out she was pregnant, he wanted to make sure the fetus was aborted. Erica didn't want the baby to die, so she and Mary contrived a plan to escape from Pleasant Wood. They ran out into the woods until they came to the lake. They were scared and disoriented, so the stopped for a moment.
Dr. Blythe drove up in his Mercedes, looking for Erica. He kept calling to her, telling her that he just wanted to talk to her. Erica, believing him, went to him even though Mary tried to stop her. When Erica got close enough to him, Blythe attacked her, hitting her so hard she was knocked immediately unconscious. Blythe stuffed her into the front seat of the car, and pushed the car into the lake. When the car was submerged, Blythe started to walk back to the hospital... bt he heard a "splash" in the water and turned back to the lake to see what it was.
The splash was caused by Mary, who'd jumped into the lake, looking for Erica. Realizing that Mary must have seen him attack Erica, Dr. Blythe dove into the lake after Mary and tried to drown her, too. Just at that moment, Jimbo and some orderlies from the hospital arrived on the scene and saw Dr. Blythe struggling with Mary in the water. Dr. Blythe told them that Mary had just tried to kill herself in the lake, and he was trying to save her. Mary was so stunned and aggitated that she couldn't respond, so, belieiving the doctors, the orderlies took Mary back to Pleasant Wood... where Dr. Blythe kept her heavily medicated so she could never tell anyone what happened to Erica.
Very late evening, we see Jarod sitting in a tree by the lake with one of the licence plates from Blythe's car in his hand. He calls Blythe on the cell phone, and introduces himself as Trooper Raines of the Maryland State Police. He tells Blythe that he has good news: fishermen found Blythe's Mercedes at the bottom of Wilson Lake. It's still too dark out to make out what might be in the car, Jarod says, but the car was identified by its licence plates. He then tells Blythe that he thinks it's very odd that, even though the car was presumably at the bottom of the lake for almost two years, Blythe never reported it stolen... and had kept making the payments on it.
Blythe arrives at the lake just after sunrise, and finds his car sitting the shore of the lake, attached to a tow truck. No one seems to be around it, so Blythe runs up to the car to try to get Erica's body out of it. He's surprised to find the car is empty.
Jarod appears from behind a tree and tells Dr. Blythe that he's taken Erica's body and had it buried; a dignity Blythe never afforded her. He tells Blythe he knows all about the murder of Erica and her unborn child, and about the ruination of Mary's mind and reputation. When Blythe tries to flee, Jarod grabs him, and wrestles him into the front seat of the Mercedes. Jarod locks Blythe inside, makes sure he can't get the doors or windows open, and then manuevers the cars back down the bank and into the lake.As the water rises around the car, Blythe starts screaming and begging for his life...
At the Rupert County Psychiatric Hospital in Rupert County, Virginia, Jarod -- now posing as Dr. Ratched -- admits Randall Blythe into the hospital as a suicidal schizophrenic patient who's just tried to kill himself. Jarod says Randall is delusions and self-destructive and should be held over for 72-hours for observation. Dr. Bylthe -- dripping wet from the lake water, and strapped in a straight jacket -- shouts at the other doctors and attendants in the hallway. Jarod tried to kill him, he insists, and it's Jarod, not he, who is the mental patient. No one believes Blythe, and he's locked away in a holding cell until an evaluation of his condition can be done.
At Pleasant Wood, Dr. Goetz is surprised when Miss Parker and Mr. Lyle arrive, posing as psychiatrists, and claiming that Jarod was a patient who escaped from their facility. Dr. Goetz takes them to the padded cell where Jarod is supposed to be, and is stunned to find that he's not there. Realizing they've missed their chance to capture him, Miss Parker and Mr. Lyle leave the hospital. In Jarod's cell, Dr. Goetz finds his art pad... and his drawings of The Centre... Miss Parker... and Mr. Lyle...
Later, Dr. Goetz is pleased when Mary is well enough to leave the facility and return to her family.
At The Centre: Broots enters Miss Parker's office and informs her that the DNA tests are complete, and are conclusive. Her twin brother isn't Angelo... It's Mr. Lyle.
Miss Parker goes to her father's office with the test results, but he, of course, already knows what they are... Lyle is his son; and that's why he moved heaven and earth to have Lyle reinstated at The Centre. Mr. Lyle comes in while Miss Parker is there, and he, Miss Parker and Mr. Parker just stand there and gaze at one another, masking their feelings, not touching one another.
The episode ends with Jarod walking down a rural road, talking to Sydney on his cell phone. He notes that Sydney has, once again, found a way to survive. After they hang up, Sydney returns to studying Braille, and Jarod thumbs a ride on a truck down the rural road.
TRIVIA: Jarod was put into Room 17 at the Pleasant Wood hospital.// Stats revealed on Randall Blythe included: 739 S. Villa Terrace, Townson, MD 21202, License # R6551V67, Expires 09-30-01.
BEST LINES: Miss Parker (when she finds out Gar died in SL-27): "There's one less vacancy in Hell."// Jarod (describing the Centre) "Think of Hell... with nicer furniture."
OUR REVIEW: We were a tiny bit miffed at the fact that NO explanation was given about how so many potential vicitms survived the blast in SL-27... and why Gar was blown to smitherenes when the others weren't. (If that WAS Gar down there.)
We're stunned at how easily Mr. Lyle was accepted back into The Centre -- considering the fact that he embezzled money from them, and killed a whole office full of their personnel so he could steal a computer chip that (presumably) held the genetic codes of The Pretenders. We're NOT surprised, however, that Mr. Parker would cater to his son, his only male heir, and make an effort to ensure his position in The Centre (when one doubts Mr. Parker would ever make the same effort on his daughter's behalf).
We wonder if "pretending to be insane" was cathartic for Jarod, allowing him to vent some of his anguish, and to tell someone about what happened to him as child (even if they didn't believe him). More attention to details like -- and less to the cellphone conversations between Jarod and Miss Parker which often accomplish nothing -- would've made the episode even more interesting and entertaining.
Beside the little annoyances, though, this was an enjoyable episode, mostly because we got a chance, again, to see the range of emotions Michael T. Weiss can affect with his facial features alone.
Mon avis sur cet épisode : Ch
Incohérences : Ch
Trivia : à savoir : Ch
Réalisation : Ch
For members of The Centre use only